Facebook use In Termux

Facebook in Termux

Facebook in termux haha wow yup this tool is use in another content on youtube but i try to explain in another content😅 

1. You can get information about your friend like facebook id, phone no. , Email-id of all your friends you have in facebook

2. Dont worry you can get separate on friend information

3. In that tools best feature is bot nope its not look like 1000 likes or comment it use your account dont worry not illegaly its use like graphically you use always

4. Bot feature you can comment, like, reaction, poke, unfriend, unfollowed, etc
On all friends or you can sepratelyon one account

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1. git clone git clone https://github.com/xHak9x/fbi

2. pip2 install requirements.txt

3. python2 fbi.py

•Command to use
1. Python2 fbi.py  ➡️ for running tool

2. Help ➡️ use always this command if you dont know how to use this tool

3. token ➡️ for login your account this is first step

4. get_data ➡️ to get fetching the all friend you have this is 2nd step

5. dump_id ➡️ get id of all friends

6. dump_phone ➡️ get phone no. Of all friends

7. dump_email ➡️ get email of all friends

8. dump_(friend id)_id ➡️ get seprate friend info id, phone and email of singal friend

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