HOW TO INSTALL GUI (Graphical User Interface) IN TERMUX

Hello Friends so yeah after so long time i am writing this post yeahh so forgot about time now focus on our main topic.

So today i am gonna show you
How to install GUI in termux with explaination so read this carefully and follow my steps perfectly ok so now lets get started

How To install?
1. First of  all check your termux. Make sure you already installed and setup gui or not
How To check?
Open Termux Type this command
>>ls -a
(This command show you hidden files and folder)
If you find there .vnc folder
This means you already setup so just remove .vnc folder using this command
>>rm -rf .vnc
If there is no .vnc folder this means your not setup vnc yet so don't worry


2. Now install this packages using this command
>>pkg install -y tigervnc x11-repo fluxbox openbox pypanel geany xfce4-session

3. Now we gonna setup vnc using this command

Now this will ask you enter password so set the password whatever you want then
It will ask you 2nd time password with message
"Would you like to set password to view only y/n"
So here choose whatever you want
I choose y because of i use view only for my stuff work thats why
If you want to set password to view only so you can set pass but set same password

4. Now our setup is done with setup it started vncserver  session localhost 1 so we need to close this session because we need to config desktop environment also thats why so close seesion using this command
>> vncserver -kill :1

5. Now lets config desktop environment
>> cd .vnc
>> nano xstartup

Now copy paste

startxfce4 &

# Generate menu.

# Start fluxbox.
fluxbox &

# Start Openbox.
openbox-session &

# Make background gray.
xsetroot -solid gray

# Launch PyPanel.
pypanel &

Save the file ctrl + x or volm d + x

6. Now install VNC VIEWER app from playstore
Now open terminal in termux and start vncserver using this command
>>vncserver :1

Now open VNC VIEWER app and setup like that
In ip address
(Choose whatever your want)

Then. Connect enter password thats all now you setup and you can use gui in termux sooooo easy

1. If you stated vncserver so you need to close it using this command
>> vncserver -kill :1

2.The localhost::5901 the 5901 is port + your session id
if you want to open multiple sessions use this command
>>vncserver :(number of session id like 123..)


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