

•What is Lazymux ?
--> The lazymux is tool of Termux for lazy People 😅😅 sorry it's for everyone I mean for Termux user the lazymux work on python2 or python ok it's normal tool for Termux 

•Whats work of lazymux ?
--> The work of lazymux is to imstall some tools, Framework, module, the tools are ported for Termux it available on STARK2.0
But few tools are  in stark2.0 in the lazymux more tools are available the tools are we are not listen about it anytime 

•Any new thing in Lazymux?
-->No 😙😅😅 the lazymux can install only tools I cannot do anything but only installing tools but STARK 2.0 does it install the tools and fixing errors of tools, extra exciting features

•How many tools in there ?
1. Information Gathering tools= "22"
2. Vulnerability scanner tools = "23"
3. Stress testing tools = "10"
4. Password attacks tools = "18"
5. Web hacking tools = "17"
6. Exploiting tools = "13"
7. Sniffing spoofing tools = "7"
8. Others tools = "14"

•Is that all tools work perfectly?
--> Nope half tools I tested or there user are tested and they facing error in that tools because the tools are updating so this is reason of tools are not working


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