How to modify application/games with using MT Manager

 So hello friends whats up after so long... time. So today i am gonna explain about very Intoresting application which is MT Manager so without time wasted let's get started 

So basically the MT Manager is same as like apk editor but its different. How ?

Its came with clean user interface

Easy to use

With extra feature

Now lets move on main topic

How To Modify application / games 

1. Install that application 😅

Server 1 Click here to install

SERVER 2 Click here to install

2. Follow the gif don't worry i am gonna explain about every frame

Ok here we go

1.  You need to extract the application that you wanted to for extracting application just follow the image 

Like this then wait for extraction

Now click on it

Now click on view to see what inside of that application

Now if you wanna modify the assets. Assets means the application sound effects, background music, icons etc. 
For that those files are located in those folders

Now if you wanted to modify the game data, game data means the file that include games data like coins, ruby, diamons, cash, money or other resources.
For those things, game data file always located in 

Assets folder
Classes dex (in encrypted format)
Androidmanfiest.xml(some times but limited)

If you don't wanted to waste your time so click on those 3dots in right corner as i showed in this image for searching value that you wanted

Basic search for file search and
Advanced search for specific name or number. With using thise search you find any value so easily

There are lots files but data store on in one files now for finding the correct file you need a perfect brain ah just joking 😅
Game value/main character value/data always store in those files

Data table
Main character
And more........
Now save that file and sign.
 if you cancel the sign process the data will store as its before means data that you overwritten it will store default values
So always remember you can modify one data at one time there are more features probably this thing is not true you can modify data as you wanted i written this post so fast so i dont even know 
Probably you can modify 1 or more files

Now lets talk about dex files
Dex files are protected dex files are protected i mean its not protected but there values are not in decimal those values in hex value so it not easy to readable by human 🤔

This post still on work

I am gonna cover this post fast as i can if forgot so just comment me or mail 

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